Sunday, 7 December 2014

Jane Stoddart

Jane Stoddart would not only be one of my favourite Milliners but also one of my favourite people.  Her knowledge of Millinery and textiles in second to none and currently doing her Masters in Millinery.  This is an amazing challenge and I am really excited to hear about the course and the work involved.  Jane was a tutor at the International Millinery Forum 2014 and her class was very well received with only compliments of her teaching.
Jane's signature style is beautiful lace but having been a trade Milliner for over 30 years, her craft and knowledge of Millinery as awe inspiring.  This is why simply doing a few lessons and courses here and there to gain a better idea of how to critique and judge hats, I have no business in having my name in the same sentence.
I am so excited to show you Jane's work and present her here.  Jane runs classes in Sydney as well as travelling around the world to share her techniques.  I had the pleasure of two classes where Jane taught 'Lace' as well as Leather.  Her Teaching is brilliant where rank beginners can attend the class like me and have something interesting at the end of class or tutors in the industry who have been teaching for years.

Racing Fashion loves Jane Stoddart Millinery

 Racing Fashion loves Jane Stoddart Millinery

 Racing Fashion loves Jane Stoddart Millinery

 Racing Fashion loves Jane Stoddart Millinery

 Racing Fashion loves Jane Stoddart Millinery

 Racing Fashion loves Jane Stoddart Millinery

 Racing Fashion loves Jane Stoddart Millinery

 Racing Fashion loves Jane Stoddart Millinery

 Racing Fashion loves Jane Stoddart Millinery

 Racing Fashion loves Jane Stoddart Millinery

Click Here to be directed to Jane Stoddart 

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