Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Royal Ascot, Starting to Plan my Ensemble

With about 1 month until embark on my 'Racing Fashion' eye over the UK, I am wondering what may be in store for myself and with such strict guidelines of 'death of a fascinator', (Click Here for story), are brims going to bigger, are the head pieces going to be bolder than ever?
Well musing over the past 2 years of 'Fabulous Fillies' at Royal Ascot, I want to see all the fun and frivolity.  I am sure that places other than the 'Royal Enclosure' will have some violators of the strict dress code, but is that not all part of the fun.  We love to look at each other, The Good, The Bad and the FABULOUS!
In looking over some of the photos, I do think that in some cases, the bigger the better is not always the case.  When wearing a Hat, I do feel, that you should not feel it.  Oh, I do know, 'Heavy is the Head of She who wears THE HAT!' lol.  But if you are bringing one arm up onto your head and there is no breeze, NOT GOOD!

'Racing Fashion' has exciting news to announce, but formalities have not been signed upon, but very exciting, for Myself, Milliners, Hat lovers and the like.

Milliners and Hatmakers, please feel free to introduce yourself, as I love to meet new people and enjoy the love of Hats and Millinery and the craft that almost became extinct in Australia, only to make a huge come back.

1 comment:

  1. I looooooove this blog. You have showcased some amazing hats in this section.
