Thursday, 26 January 2012

Milliners, this is an exciting step in the right direction.

Of course no one is going to know how I voted during the last election and I am very excited to see my favourite holiday of the year, 'Australia Day'.  Our Prime Minister of Australia wore a hat.  Fantastic!
This is getting the message through that wearing a hat is not just fashionable and keeping us protected from the elements.  We are slowly becoming more willing to wear hats.  I personally think this gave a beautiful feminine feel to Julia after seeing her always in Parliament slugging it out with the gentlemen.  Julia, I did have a go during Spring Carnival at Flemington because you were not wearing a hat, and even screamed it for equal love.  But I am a proud Aussie, thinking that this is giving a boost to all our wonderful milliners around Australia.  Is Julia learning from the Queen????

Julia Gillard is not my favourite person, but she is climbing higher in this beautiful hat!

Does anyone know who made it???

1 comment:

  1. I do feel bad for her to see her embarrassing photos (The clash outside the Lobby restaurant) splashed across our newspaper in Singapore. But this is a beautiful hat.
